When talking about companies that have been successful and have managed to grow their businesses, we can see that they all have something in common: none of them would have been able to sustain themselves over time without a market that demands their products or services, and much less without an adequate marketing strategy .
[Tweet “No company could have survived over time without a market hotmail email list demanding its products/services, and even less so without an adequate marketing strategy. ”]
This is because people are changing the way they consume products, services and content and that is why digital businesses and marketing strategies focused on the Internet have been so successful and seem so promising.
So, if you have a business, work in one or are thinking of starting out on the path of entrepreneurship, we invite you to learn more about marketing, its concept and evolution, and how it can help you grow your business.

To take the first step and begin to understand what marketing is, we will begin by delving a little deeper into the roots of this concept .
Marketing is a word that comes from the English language, despite being intrinsic to world culture.
In English, market means market and marketing can be translated as marketing or marketing, and focuses on the study of the causes, objectives and results that are generated through the different ways in which we deal with the market.
According to the American Marketing Association, the definition of the term is:
“Marketing is an activity, a set of institutions, and processes for creating, communicating, delivering, and exchanging offerings that have value to customers, partners, and society at large.”
Another more extensive concept is the one expressed by Julie Barile , vice president of eCommerce, Fairway Market, which says that:
“ Marketing is the means by which one communicates, connects and achieves engagement with a target audience in order to transmit value and thus sell products and services.
Extending the definitions a little further, we can quote Renee Blodgett – CEO / Founder of Magic Sauce Media, who expresses that:
“Marketing is a permanent exchange with customers, a communication that educates, informs and builds a relationship that lasts over time.
Based on these comprehensive terms, we can conclude that marketing is a series of strategies, techniques and practices that have the main objective of adding value to certain brands or products in order to give them greater importance for a certain target audience, which in this case will be consumers.