Don't know how to manage positive customer reviews?
Well, we have a few positive review response templates for you.
This article includes reflections on:
Why respond to positive reviews
How to respond to criticism
How to Write the Perfect Response to Every Review
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How to respond to positive reviews?
It's easy to take the good things in life for granted. We tend to spend most of our energy focusing on problems that need solving or desperately trying to get through those long to-do lists, wishing there were just more hours in the day to get everything done.
However, if something is going well in our life, such as being healthy or having a good family and friends, we simply assume that things will always be this way. We think that there is no need to work on the positive aspects of our life.
We only understand their true value when we no longer have these positive things; and this is no different when we talk about your business and also, the world of online reviews.
Organizations can spend a lot of time trying to tamp down their negative feedback, thereby forgetting about their positive reviews, or at least taking them for granted.
You may not realize it until it's too late, but a lack of communication with your satisfied customers and positive reviews can lead to disengagement, and before you know it, your negative reviews (and the responses to them) will start to take on greater importance. And soon, it'll be all your customers see.
Don't let this happen. Take the time to respond to those who have left positive reviews and appreciate their efforts.
Simple steps to respond to comments
Please respond within one business day (maximum two!)
Vary the response template
Thank you for the review
Be natural
Let your personality shine
Customize, personalize, personalize
While it's incredibly important to respond to negative reviews (we've detailed the best way to respond here), here we'll tell you exactly why responding to your positive reviews is just as important as responding to negative reviews, offer tips on how to craft that perfect response, and give you some examples of how to respond to positive reviews.
Use revision management software
The easiest way to stay on top of brand reputation management and online reviews is to use review software.
Trustmary is a great tool:
Import reviews from review sites ( Google , Facebook , G2 , …)
Encourage customers to leave more reviews on those platforms
Add reviews to the website
Use lead generation widgets peppered with real reviews
Respond to your reviews natively on the review site in question.
Once you have imported, for example, your Google reviews into Trustmary, it will ask you to respond to each one.
Simply click the “Reply” button and you will be redirected to respond to that review on Google.
Respond to Google Reviews with Easy-to-Use Software
If you have reviews on Google, you can start adding them to your website by typing your business below
Search for a business or add a Google Maps URL
Why should I respond to positive reviews?
1. They offer free advertising and testimonials
We’ve previously written about the importance of testimonials for your business. With the average customer now reading around 10 reviews before purchasing a product or service, positive reviews are becoming the lifeblood of many industries and organizations.
For every positive review you respond to or share on social media, you increase the exposure and reach of that review. For example, a customer might share their positive review of you on Twitter to around 100 of their followers, but your response can extend that reach to your own followers across multiple platforms as well as your website, expanding your reach to potentially thousands of people.
However, be sure to ask the customer's permission before sharing their review, as this shows basic respect and consideration. They will usually be more than happy for you to share their positive review or use it as a testimonial, but always be sure!
2. Make the customer feel appreciated
A customer has taken time out of their day to say something nice about you. So responding to them, or at least thanking them for their time, is a basic demonstration of courtesy. People like to be acknowledged and appreciated, and there's a good chance you'll end up fostering a deeper relationship with that customer after your response.
Remember, if they've left a positive review, it means they already like you and your product. Reaching out to them will only strengthen the relationship and may encourage them to share more reviews about you in the future.
This is also helpful for retaining customers. We all know that trying to gain a new customer is much harder than retaining an existing customer. By simply putting in a little effort and responding to positive feedback, you will greatly increase your chances of customer retention and make those people feel loved and valued.
This also means that ignoring and not taking care of your positive reviews can have the opposite effect. That is, making the customer feel neglected and more likely to turn to a competitor who offers them better care.
3. It can increase your visibility in search engines
By responding to your customers, you are telling search engines that you are an organization that likes to be close to its customers, and those that do tend to offer better customer service overall.
Try to make your business available for review on as many platforms as possible, and of course, allow reviews through Google. The search engine giant will always give priority to reviews made through its own platform, and the more reviews that have responses, the better.
Don't limit yourself to Google , though - check out Yelp , Tripadvisor , and as many social media platforms as you can. The more engagement you have, the better your results will be. You can contribute to the results even further by adding your business name, location,