It is often difficult to use when spending several times the previous budget on advertising, or when trying new media or measures. Since the analysis results are based on past delivery results, the greater the difference between the past and the content you want to analyze, the lower the accuracy.
・ We are introducing new awareness measures
. ・ We want to allocate a budget several times larger phone number search indonesia to win the competition.
・ Until now, we have only delivered hundreds of thousands of yen as a test, but this year we want to invest several million yen.
In the three cases above, trusting this analysis could lead to incorrect decision-making, so I think it would be better to consult with someone with expertise in advertising operations.
Although the analysis method introduced here is simple, we use it in our support situations to make decisions and as a basis for discussions with advertisers when formulating budgets. When it comes to analyzing advertising budgets and creating simulations, it is common to just change the numbers and process them into numbers that seem likely, but the method introduced here makes it possible to make calculations with a solid basis. We hope that you will find it useful in your daily advertising operations.