When there are no budget pressures, some people can afford to invest in advertising or marketing actions that have no return. Without a doubt, this is not the right time for that course of action. So today more than ever, you must establish a system that allows you to know how much each dollar you invest in marketing and advertising is yielding in sales . Doing so can be more or less complex depending on the number of actions you have in progress. But without a doubt, the effort, technology and work you put into obtaining this information will prevent you from wasting valuable budget that could be better spent.
5. Don't be tempted to focus only on the short term:
Focus on your long-term goals
Even if the pressure is very strong, you must make an effort to make c level contact list decisions that positively affect your long-term results. When faced with the dilemma of investing in advertising (whose effect is momentary) versus technological tools that innovate your business, budget pressures may lead you to choose the smallest investment. But remember that cheap is expensive and that in times like these is when the “gift deals” appear that end up passing off the “cat as a hare” . The best way to optimize the budget is not necessarily to reduce it but to invest it in the way that adds more value to you in the long term.
Examples that show that it is possible to grow despite the crisis
Do you remember the global recession that occurred between 2007 and 2009? If you lost customers, markets, or even your job during that time, you are not alone. The global financial crisis was one of the most severe recession periods since World War II and created a toxic environment for doing business.
After such a collapse of the economy, it can no longer be said that there are companies that are crisis-proof, but there are those that resist and a few that even grow. One such example is the snack and candy industry . Consumption of candy reported gains during the crisis in 2008, with Cadbury growing by 30% and Nestlé by 10% in the United States. Sweets provide a necessary incentive, especially in difficult times, so this result is not surprising.
In Ecuador, one company that knew how to take advantage of this reality was Chocolates Pacari . Its offer of pure, dark and milk-free chocolate is highly appreciated outside Ecuador and locally it has also found its space and has strengthened in recent years. Its philosophy of connection with nature and sustainability is one of its distinctive characteristics. And although its competition has tried to imitate these qualities, it continues to be the leader in its segment, backed by the quality of its products.
Another industry that has proven to be resilient to the crisis is the technology industry. The IT sector continues to grow in Ecuador despite recessions, changes in regulations and competition from large multinationals. And not just the traditional software and infrastructure development sector. SaaS (Software as a Service) businesses are beginning to proliferate and cover the market with more affordable offers for SMEs .
The truth is that technology can achieve what budget or staff cuts cannot. It contributes significantly to increasing a company's competitiveness and efficiency. Therefore, if you are looking to strengthen the differentiating elements of your unique value proposition, do not neglect this fundamental pillar.