"In traditional innovation the laboratory is our world, but in open innovation the world is our laboratory” Henry Chesbrogh
What do we understand by open/collaborative innovation or co-innovation?
Innovation is being discovered as one of the key skills to be developed in a context like the current one, where the response to our needs is increasingly complex. Therefore, sometimes, when it comes to creating new value for clients and consumers, we have to escape from our own knowledge. In this sense, openness and collaboration are key. Therefore, we canadian ceo email lists understand open or collaborative innovation as the collaboration that occurs between the talent of people, both at the level of an organization and/or between organizations and people who interact in different innovation ecosystems.
What benefits do you highlight?
The development and creation of new, more disruptive products and services.
Reduction of costs derived from collaborative work and its synergies.
Greater acceptance of initiatives/projects because more points of view are considered in the ideation phase.
We strengthen the brand. When we collaborate with other brands, our brand wins, as long as we choose travel companions who represent our values.
Reduce risk aversion.
Regardless of the size of your company, implementing a culture of collaborative innovation is not an easy task, but it is a very interesting challenge, as it has a direct impact on the transformation of organizations and people. And, as you have seen, it also offers clear benefits to the business.
So, are we embarking?
According to the article published in Harvard Business Review , collaborative innovation is presented as the smartest way to generate new opportunities.
However, it may be advisable for the company to have previously gone through a series of experiences that guarantee its organizational maturity to be able to face them. An organizational maturity that is usually accompanied by an important cultural change in which to work in a more agile way and empower employees to be part of the usual behaviors of the day to day of the company. Embarking on this new way of working on projects and generating more transversal work teams internally, will open us to more ambitious behaviors and will promote greater networking that facilitates this new way of innovating.