Brand awareness. You need to grab your target customer’s attention. Create relevan phone number list t blog posts, exciting social media content, simple yet informative how-to videos, interesting infographics, and SlideShare presentations. Many brands are even creating memes to hook people with humor.
Website traffic. You need to drive people to your website and keep them there. Consider long-form content, how-to guides, whitepapers, eBooks, case studies, infographics, and videos. Offering original information, research, and data will mark you as an expert in your field and keep the visitors rolling in.

Lead generation. You need to motivate your customers to fill out a contact form with their personal information. The best types of content for this task include contest submissions, eBook downloads, product demos, and podcasts.
Customer retention. You need to keep buyers coming back for more. Get personal with your content, using data to tailor your content and make it relevant for your existing customers. Update your blog regularly, send email updates, and offer coupons for existing customers.
People learn differently. Some people are visual learners, while others are more hands-on. Similarly, certain types of content will appeal more to different people. If you have more than one target audience, mix up your content to meet the needs of different consumers. Consider rotating the content on your blog or creating different landing pages for certain people.