2. Objectives of relational marketing

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2. Objectives of relational marketing

Post by aktAkterSabiha50 »

2. Objectives of relational marketing
Before knowing what the objectives of relational marketing are, you should know that:

Customer feedback is essential to making your relationship marketing strategy work. That's why it's important for the entire team to be aligned around it.
Once you have your client, you must know how to retain them in order to strengthen the relationship between them and your company.
Furthermore, the strategy of relational marketing does not seek to achieve quick benefits, but rather its objective is to establish long-term relationships of trust .
Go for a “win-win” mentality . You don’t win, and your client doesn’t win. You both win.
Did you know that you can create loyalty strategies for your customers that work automatically ? Building quality, long-lasting relationships with your prospects is essential in relational marketing. Here you have the complete training, in chapter two ''Workflows and Lead Nurturing, we teach you how to do it:

New call to action

Now that you know how relational marketing works, these are its main objectives:

Acquire : new customers who are more loyal to the company.
Understanding: the needs and problems of our clients and directing the marketing strategy towards them.
Convert: lead users into customers thanks to lead nurturing, a digital action dbtodata that you can integrate into your strategy.
Measure: your customers' interaction and interest in your company.

3. What advantages does relational marketing offer?
If you have any type of business, especially an industrial one, you should know right now that using a relational marketing strategy will generate benefits for your company . Why? For the following reasons:


relationship marketing

According to HubSpot , the American giant that revolutionized Inbound Marketing , the traditional sales funnel has evolved. As you can see in the image above, it has gone from being a funnel to a spinning wheel. The key to growth now is for each of your company's departments to be strong and enhance "their part", helping to turn "the whole", your company.

Unlike the traditional marketing funnel, the cycle used in relationship marketing is customer-based and has the ability to accumulate and release energy, which is very important when designing a business strategy. James Watt created this wheel-shaped model to represent energy efficiency. But the amount of energy that will be stored will depend on the speed at which it rotates, the friction or interference it encounters, and its size.
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