Have some flexibility in your 'policies

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[email protected]
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Joined: Thu Dec 12, 2024 3:15 am

Have some flexibility in your 'policies

Post by [email protected] »

Just because you have a certain policy doesn't mean you can't bend the rules for a particular customer. A 'no refunds' or 'no cancellation' policy isn't a bad idea, but it should never be set in stone.

When someone forgets an appointment, sometimes a follow-up call (' Hi, how are you? I was worried that you didn't show up ') is a better idea than any penalty.

Be accessible
Today's customers expect to be able to contact you or, at list of argentina whatsapp phone numbers the very least, leave you a message.

To do this, make sure you have a website that clearly explains where you are located and how to contact you.

Always deliver what you say you will do
Even when your clients aren't trustworthy, you always need to be. Don't misrepresent your services (or when you can complete them, or how much they'll cost). Ever.


Be punctual, honest and direct with your customers. Because if you're not, soon all your customers will know. And you'll be left with none.

Building customer loyalty takes dedication, but your business will notice in the long run. Keep at it, your rewards await.
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