And once you have your spectacular annual report, what happens? What do you do with it? If you leave it forgotten in a drawer, what good has all that effort been? The corporate report must have the capacity to communicate and be an instrument to transmit image and notoriety . It is the most immediate communication instrument for your clients, suppliers and investors.
For this reason, you must take into account several aspects that can help you turn your annual report into an effective communication tool:
Publish it as soon as the year is over . There is no point in submitting a 2016 financial year report in September 2017 or January 2018.
Consider the most appropriate format for communicating information to your stakeholders. Depending on this, you will have to decide whether the report should be printed in full democratic republic of the congo email address or whether an attractive promotional document will suffice .
If we have decided on the digital format , do we edit a microsite ? Is a link on our website enough ? Do we include it in the Transparency section of the corporate website ? Do we provide a USB flash drive? Is it worth creating an app or an e-book? There are many options and you have to evaluate which one best suits your organization.
Without forgetting the importance of content, layout and design must also be taken into account . Once again, depending on the audience you are targeting and the type of company you are, a modern and innovative design, or something with cleaner lines, will be more appropriate.
Photography can help you give a better image of your company. Have you considered doing an industrial photo report to show your clients how innovative your facilities are?

And when the report is already laid out and you have decided on its format, how do you present it? You send it by mail, you organize a presentation
There are many details to take into account to value the work involved in creating a corporate report , but above all, you must not forget that it is a specific communication tool that must be part of your communication plan , a strategy that must be well defined to disseminate and communicate your company's messages.
The report can be an excellent letter of introduction for your company, so having a team of experts to advise you on the steps to take to achieve your goals is essential.