Who pays attention to someone who only talks about him, him, him? Contact with a prospect should be bidirectional and should communicate the added value that YOU have for HIM to choose you.
Therefore, having prior information about each prospect and presenting them with a secure and close relationship will significantly increase the chances of them joining your portfolio.
So, in our prospecting of clients we investigate, we find, we classify, we prioritize, we senegal consumer email list prepare ourselves well and we contact .
Evaluate and repeat. Let us not forget that it is a process with steps and an order that will be allowed to be constantly changed in search of improvement.
It may seem very simple in a couple of sentences, but it is a task that requires a great investment of time and care, with steps in which a thousand nuances must be taken into account.
That's why we have a guide on sales prospecting that includes all the information, points of view, steps to follow throughout the entire process, keys , tips, advantages, disadvantages and tools that will make your prospecting the customer magnet that it should be.
This is, for sure, the map that will tell you how to find, grind and get the promised gold .
So, you know, with this guide prospecting won't be a hassle for you or your prospects.
Adopt some of the strategies in the guide into your workflow to enjoy better prospecting and, therefore, better and bigger results .