Having ideas for LinkedIn posts seems difficult to you? There is a simple technique to generate a maximum of ideas for LinkedIn posts. Here is how to do it, and we explain it to you with examples.
Writer's block affects all LinkedIn creators, and to all the people who are encouraged to publish on social networks, we often hear this response: "Yes, but I have no ideas." But then, how do you come up with ideas for LinkedIn posts? There is actually a technique for building LinkedIn post ideas and having an almost infinite reserve of ideas for making good posts, for your personal page as well as for your company page.
Here are the 3 essential elements for constructing an idea for a good LinkedIn post:
We will now detail this method, drawing inspiration from the austria telemarketing data recommendations of star editor Nicolas Cole, author of the best-seller The Art and Business of Online Writing, among others.
To help you understand the method and prove that it works, we will also dissect two examples of LinkedIn posts published by Thomas, the co-founder of Connecto. The examples will be detailed at the bottom of this file.
Step 0 – Editorial line and LinkedIn post ideas
In this article, we remind you that we focus ONLY on the ideal format of a LinkedIn post. We must emphasize that even if you understand the format, it will not be enough to have a coherent communication on LinkedIn. At Connecto , all the companies and clients that we have advised on LinkedIn and social networks have a well-defined editorial line, and we determine dozens of LinkedIn post ideas based on their editorial line.
Only then are post ideas built based on the LinkedIn post structure presented below. So be careful not to confuse understanding the structure with having a well-defined LinkedIn communication strategy.
Step 1: What type of LinkedIn post should you choose?
Almost all LinkedIn posts fall into one of the following 5 categories:
The Actionable Guide: You explain to your community how to perform a specific action.
For example: “5 tips for buying your first cryptocurrency”
Storytelling: With this type of LinkedIn post, you are trying to tell your story, your struggles, your successes. In this type of situation, you are trying to make your audience connect personally or emotionally with what you are telling.
Here is an example of a LinkedIn post published by Thomas on this topic: “ I started life with the job I swore I wouldn’t do ”
The bullet point list : You provide tools, product features, or list something specific.
For example, one could easily summarize this web article into a good bullet point list on LinkedIn: “ 14 tools to use to be a hit on social networks ”
The Analytical post : You are looking to decipher an underlying trend on a subject that you master.
Sample post: “Why Chinese carmakers will corner the European electric car market”
Provide expertise : you share expertise that you have mastered or that you have been able to acquire.
Example post: I spoke with 3 CAC 40 presidents and here are their 8 tips for success