Leverage Visual Content to Elevate Your Marketing Strategy

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Leverage Visual Content to Elevate Your Marketing Strategy

Post by Nihan675 »

Marketers are turning to visuals to elevate their strategy, and why not? Visuals are easy to perceive and leave a longer lasting impression on users. You know this is true when you see people watching reels back to back for hours, and that too without sound.

Compelling visual content can alter the way users perceive your brand. It’s no coincidence that tech giants around the world are experimenting with video. Even before reels existed, brands like Pinterest were already creating a stir through engaging, physical therapist email database visually rich boards filled with amazing content.

Brands are gearing up to invest heavily in generative AI to create visual elements that drive their marketing strategy.

With the rise of social media, brands have no choice but to include visual content in their marketing strategy.

And it's not just about static images.

The power of visual content in marketing
Marketing campaigns are all about building brand awareness, and visual content is a great way to do that. In fact, marketers are more convinced than ever that visual content drives better conversions.

The power of visual content lies in doing it right. If you’re not telling a story that resonates with your target audience, it defeats the entire reason for creating visual content. Whether you use static images, infographics, or a reel, you need to have a story, some facts, and useful information to tell your users.

Storytelling is a great way to communicate your message to your users. Not only does it create an emotional stimulus, but it also helps build a long-term user-brand relationship. Good visual material can turn your users into evangelists for your brand, which is the biggest win for any brand.

For example, if you follow Figma’s LinkedIn page, you’ll see short how-to videos and images about new features that are visual guides to using the tools. For example, this guide shows how to create glowing icons in Figma.

Tips for using visual content in marketing
Research shows that the human brain can process an image almost 60,000 times faster than text, and 90% of the information it processes is visual. If you apply this metric to your marketing, most of your text will be ignored. Your users would always rather watch videos of cute puppies than read about the stages of a puppy's growth.

After all, information conveyed through images is retained for longer. Simply put, 20% of what you market is read, and 20% of that 20% is retained. Phew!

Visuals can drive traffic. But they have to be done. Marketers need help finding the right balance between visuals and content, which is a bigger challenge .

Here are some tried and tested tips you should incorporate when designing your next visual content.
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