Develop your information system
Your information system is all the resources you need to run your business and stay on track. It's all about putting the right tools in place.
Create the first dashboards
Designing a management dashboard is, above all, a personal matter. Developing it is indonesia whatsapp shopping data as important as management itself, and you cannot do it blindly. The first management tool you need should be a balanced scorecard , but to develop it you have to identify your needs and define your objectives. This assessment takes the form of questions: what are your short, medium and long-term objectives? Where do you want to take your company? How do you want it to evolve? Once these elements have been determined, they must be translated into metrics , that is, into figures: number of customers, market coverage, retention rate, volume of business generated.
Learning to master the tool
With these initial elements, you can get started. Build your table. To start, all you need is Excel. It allows you to establish a first relationship with this type of tool. The trick is to formalize this first draft. Some of the templates provided by the tool will save you time. However, you must be careful not to lose sight of the specificities of the company by trying to fit them into a mold that is too generic.
Excel Limits
Excel quickly becomes limited. Powerful in terms of calculations and possibilities, the tool nevertheless requires a significant amount of manual parameterization. Formulas must be entered and links created from one sheet to another. The data is static and cannot be easily updated.
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Management tools for small organizations
To support the growth of small and medium-sized businesses, the dashboard functionality can be integrated into the general scope of your ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning ) tool.
This is what Axonaut offers. Business management software that combines ERP and CRM, one of its strengths is its easy-to-use interface for monitoring your activity.
Ideal for SMEs and small businesses, it helps you manage your treasury thanks to a direct connection to your bank account and intuitive dashboards to improve your organizational management (vacations, appointments, tasks, expense reports, etc.).