Do you have an inactive database and don't know what to do with it?

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Do you have an inactive database and don't know what to do with it?

Post by udoy120 »


Rather than abandoning them to their fate, you can try a reactivation campaign using lead nurturing.

You will schedule a sequence of messages to try to get these leads to react again. For example, by offering them new content or a special offer.

Did you answer “yes” to at least one of these questions?

So it’s time for you to start lead nurturing. In the next chapter, we’ll explain step by step how to do it.

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Lead nurturing: Define your objectives
We have seen that lead nurturing allows us to set up a sales mechanism. In fact, we add intermediate steps between lead generation and sales concluded.

One of the positive points of nurturing is that we will now be able to measure the results at each of these stages .

Therefore, we will also be able to refine the objectives for both marketing and sales.

But how do you set goals when you start?

Without lead nurturing, we would have started with the following equation:

“We convert our leads into customers at a rate of 10%, for example. We therefore need 10 leads to conclude a sale. Knowing that our commercial objectives are 100 sales over the period, we therefore need 1000 raw leads.”

If we implement lead nurturing, we can armenia phone number library enrich the equation with intermediate objectives .

We start again with sales targets. Then we roll out the ball as follows: for 100 sales, how many leads qualified by sales? How many marketing leads? How many raw leads?

This way, we will be able to measure performance at each stage. This will allow us to detect blocking points and improve the process accordingly.

Aligning Marketing and Sales
In the previous paragraph we talked about setting marketing and sales goals.

Why do we insist on this point?

Because lead nurturing is based on optimal alignment between marketing and sales.

Without it, you will fail.

Lead nurturing should be seen as a relay race. In a relay race, the goal is to pass the baton from one runner to another in the best conditions so that they can express their full velocity.
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