Personalized retargeting is a significant part of internet retail marketing activities. The general sense of this type of activity is to continue a conversation that has already begun with the user, typically after a first visit to the site or any online interaction. The retargeting opportunities are potentially endless – just one view or one click – and are within everyone's reach. On a strategic level, however, there is still too little work being done.
This is a delicate moment: on the one hand, you must not waste what you have invested to attract people's attention, on the other hand, it is important to be careful not to burn a potential opportunity (typically by acting inelegantly or with excessive pressure). Let's think about business models based on the sale of products for everyday use, for example for personal care and hygiene. It is obvious to anyone that having searched for a certain brand of shampoo online is not a sufficient reason to chase a user with banners on all channels.
Relying on pixel retargeting is counterproductive in many cases because, in addition to worsening brand perception, it lowers the click-through rate of any advertising format and the quality scores of accounts.
So let's imagine a world without intrusive banners. Let's imagine a personalized and intelligent retargeting , based on segments and objectives. Here are 3 examples:
Abandoned Cart Recovery with Custom Discount
Let's start with a simple example that has already been widely tested: abandoned cart recovery via email. This is a communication – more or less engaging – that is delivered to the inbox, generally after 24 hours, from the interruption of a purchase on an e-commerce site. This in itself is personalized retargeting , because the sale leads, armenia email address email is specifically addressed to a person and shows the images of the desired product. However, most of the time these emails do not take into account the history of the people , but are simple triggers .
An important differentiation should be made on the life cycle of the lead or customer: a hero user, who has therefore made a high and frequent spending volume, is certainly not the same as a new user. The personalization of the conversion incentive, if there is one, could then be highlighted with the appropriate differences. This is the example of Dollar Shave Club , which focuses on membership and not just on the product.
Abandoned cart recovery with personalized discount
Personalized retargeting on inactive users
We said that marketing automation recognizes the user and that retargeting does not necessarily have to be done on the last product seen or clicked. In some advertising formats for example, such as Facebook carousels, one could imagine a personalization based on segments instead of manual correlations.
Thanks to artificial intelligence, you can offer products that are liked by similar users. This is what Amazon does, for example, through its algorithms, but it is not the only one that can do it. Retargeting at that point becomes a real service for the user and is no longer seen as an intrusive attempt to close the sale. An approach of this type can be very successful in the case of users who have been inactive for a long time, who must therefore be stimulated, if not with the classic incentive, also with interesting proposals in line with their profile (personalized and relevant). If in the first example the objective was to push for the closure of an expressed need, in this case we are trying to anticipate a latent need .