Some very basic things and some more advanced things too. We're going to dive right in. Indexing 1. URL Inspection / Fetch & Render So basically, indexing content is not that hard in Google. Google provides us with a number of tools. The simplest and fastest is probably the URL Inspection tool. It's in the new Search Console, previously Fetch and Render. As of this filming, both tools still exist. They are depreciating Fetch and Render. The new URL Inspection tool allows you to submit a URL and tell Google to crawl it.
When you do that, they put it in their priority crawl queue. That just simply advertising database means Google has a list of URLs to crawl. It goes into the priority, and it's going to get crawled faster and indexed faster. 2. Sitemaps! Another common technique is simply using sitemaps. If you're not using sitemaps, it's one of the easiest, quickest ways to get your URLs indexed. When you have them in your sitemap, you want to let Google know that they're actually there. There's a number of different techniques that can actually optimize this process a little bit more.
talks about is simply putting it in your robots.txt file. In your robots.txt, you have a list of directives, and at the end of your robots.txt, you simply say sitemap and you tell Google where your sitemaps are. You can do that for sitemap index files. You can list multiple sitemaps. It's really easy. Sitemap in robots.txt You can also do it using the Search Console Sitemap Report, another report in the new Search Console.
The first and the most basic one that everybody
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