Blogs & influencer marketing
That blog networks are an important source of income for many professional bloggers, became apparent repeatedly during SOBcon. Blog networks and affiliate networks are the way for many bloggers to earn money – provided they either have enough readers or serve a sufficiently specific niche. A development that we are also increasingly seeing in the Netherlands, think of the recent launch of Sanoma's blog network . A market that always seemed quite saturated to me in the US still seems to offer room for new initiatives, especially by focusing on verticals . Influencer and affiliate marketing are also still big business in the US .
In the hot seats , sessions in which SOBcon sponsors had the opportunity to present their pressing marketing questions to the participants, the advertiser's perspective was also discussed: reaching your target group via someone else's blog channel. Influential bloggers can indeed be a good way to reach a specific target group. Whereby the bloggers present repeatedly noted that companies should not expect that this publicity would be free...
SOBcon13-fw2Earning money through thought leadership , knowledge products, advertisers and affiliate marketing is actually a bit of the 'old' way of earning money through blogs. A more advanced form is that of Copyblogger , the media and software empire of Brian Clark and Sonia Simone, among others.
In a way, Copyblogger is the ultimate example of the development of blog companies 2.0 (or 3.0?). Started as a blog, via advertisers, via knowledge products (people learn to blog via all kinds of products including events) to a whole new business: blog software. Simply a matter of responding to the needs you see with your target group and south africa phone data customers, according to Simone. Copyblogger changed into a software company, where the database of 100,000+ subscribers comes in handy!
Investing in technology remains key
But other online entrepreneurs are also investing heavily in technology that supports the needs of customers and keeps up with the developments that customers are going through. focuses on apps that support and facilitate the consumption of their content. SOBcon sponsor Yappem built a platform in which online reviews receive tangible rewards. A good example is also the start-up , which is described by experts as a combination of feedly, and buffer or “Hootsuite meets Evernote”. Not a bad recommendation for anyone who is involved with content!
SOBcon13-fw6A conference is only good if you can take something home with you, especially if it is a conference that is focused on inspiration and networking. My own takeaways from Chicago.