Read the specs tips & tricks and FAQ carefully. This company rents Hangout hardware packages. Note that your main connection is a fixed internet connection and use WiFi as a backup.
Need help from an expert? Ronnie Bincer is an American who calls himself the Hangout Helper . He gives training in organizing Hangouts and is also available as help himself for a certain hourly rate.
6. Optimize
After the Hangout, ask your host, participants, audience and colleagues for feedback. Preferably you receive a tip: what can be improved next time. Enable anonymous feedback so that you get the most honest and therefore useful feedback.
Finally: 10 tips
The Hangouts remain publicly visible, if you choose to do so. Your potential reach is therefore greater than the moment of broadcast. Use your owned media to generate as much delayed reach as possible after broadcast.
Clearly indicate when the Hangout is and in macedonia phone data which time zone, so that people in other parts of the world can also participate. I was recently ready for Piet Snot at 6.20 to attend a Hangout.
Don't just set a go-live date, but take into account special events on and around that date and try to link it to the topic of the Hangout.
A Hangout is a three-way street. Don't forget to give the audience a chance to speak, in addition to the participants.
Think logically about airtime. If you're targeting young adults who like to party, you probably don't want to schedule a Hangout at 7am on a Saturday morning. Unless it's a Milk the White Motor sponsored afterparty with tips on minimizing hangovers.
Let as many different cameragenic and eloquent colleagues participate in the Hangouts (if this fits your brand). This gives your brand a face and strengthens the bond with your audience.
Ask your audience for input on topics.
Don't be discouraged by a small number of viewers or participants in the beginning. Be consistent, add something new to your Hangouts and it will work out fine.
Mix and match and experiment with different types of Hangouts. This keeps things exciting for the project team and your audience.
Lastly: Be proud and enjoy! It's okay to make mistakes. "Anyone who has never made a mistake has never tried anything new.