Don’t share the same image twice

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Don’t share the same image twice

Post by alomgirhossain21298 »

When we promote a blog, like this one, we will take the graphics we create and use them across social platforms. This is something we also do for our clients. If we’re creating images for our clients for an advertising campaign, we also think it’s a great idea to use them in organic social posts.

Have you ever tweeted out content and then a couple days later tweet it out phone number database indiaou’re tweeting the same image and tweet out over and over again. But what if you had a unique image each time you tweeted out the same content.

This is exactly what Netflix is doing.

Same content as the last time you logged in, but somehow everything looks different! Netflix is using YOU as a guinea pig. If you are a marketer, you should be doing this too.

What’s the important thing to take away from this post?
For those of you that are still reading, the important thing that we’ve learned, and that we want you to take away from this post, is that testing images and graphics when promoting content can help you maximize engagement with your audience, whether it’s in a PPC campaign, or on a social media channel. Over time you’ll learn, like Netflix, which images work most of the time and which don’t.


Reach out and let us know some of your A/B testing insights!a healthy website is content creation and the best vehicle for that is an active blog. If you run into roadblocks that’s okay. It’s going to happen. You can always give us a shout as well. We’re happy to help with blog writing and management to keep your content engine humming!
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