Testing advertising appeal in your PPC ads, or in your landing page head phone number database australia line, or your latest marketing video headline, isn’t just helpful to you as a marketer. It’s valuable information for your entire company.
If you’re consistently seeing a higher flow of sales from leads driven through fear-based advertising appeal, and your entire organization’s messaging is humor based, then you might want to let others in on the secret.
With today’s marketing tools we marketers are in a unique position to quickly gather a lot of data on what drives action and what doesn’t. Make data-driven decisions in your organization through marketing with today’s digital tools. You will be missing out if you don’t.

Don’t A/B test one advertising appeal all the time. Try humor. Try FOMO. Try Personal. Try them versus each other. You won’t be disappointed with the data.As everyone who has ever written a good blog post can attest… it’s not easy. There’s a lot that goes into a decent post in terms of content alone, but it goes beyond that. Attention spans are short and let’s face it, there’s a TON of content out there competing for eyeballs. Here are some tips for making your blog post more readable and shareable.