Your email outreach won't actually reach your prospect if you don't land in their inbox.
Google's rules on what a legitimate email looks like are getting stricter constantly.
Here are some tips to help prevent your emails going to spam in Gmail.
1. Warm up your email
If your sender reputation is poor or non-existent, your mobile number list emails will land in spam.
A new domain, for example, will have no sender reputation to speak of.
If you use a new domain to send out many daily emails, most will not reach your audience's inbox.
To build up and monitor your sender reputation, use an email deliverability tool like lemwarm .
One of lemwarm's features is email warm-up, which gradually increases your sending volume and frequency so that you can build up your sender reputation.
2. Audit your sender reputation
To find out whether your sender reputation is actually a problem and a potential cause of your emails landing in the Gmail spam folder, you can audit your sender reputation.
lemwarm keeps track of your deliverability score, whether your domain is on any blacklist, and gives detailed reports on where your warm-up emails are landing.