Gamification and lead generation for companies

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Gamification and lead generation for companies

Post by mahindra »

Kirkland's Home Decor is an interior decoration chain that aimed to gain new customers and fans and create interaction with existing customers.

To this end, it launches the game “Cha-Ching!” , a prize and instant win contest on Facebook.

First, to attract new fans, a monetary incentive was given: for every new like on the fanpage, one cent was added to the prize pool. At the end of the allotted time, a single fan won the amount in the box: over 25,000 dollars.

The second key element was the use of daily prizes, with the aim of bringing fans back to the page. By clicking on the Kirkland virtual store, fans received a “random” virtual gift , exchangeable with that of their friends, and at the end of the day they could win the real version of the product in their possession.

Knowing that the target loves coupons, the third strong point was the classification of users based on their playing time : players were assigned 4 different badge levels depending on how much they had played, each of which allowed access to new coupons that could be used in the store.

The results ? During the Cha-Ching! promotion , Kirkland's became the sixth fastest-growing fan page on Facebook worldwide. In one month, it reached 203,604 new fans, generated 13 million wall posts, and nearly 179 million ad impressions.

gamification lead generation
Autodesk , on the other hand, is a company that ghana phone number library develop s software for 3D modeling. After a period of declining turnover, managers decide to integrate the logic of gamification to give a boost to the business, also thanks to a very interesting piece of data they have: the probability that a user buys the software doubles when it is tried at least 4 times.


This is how the Undiscovered Territory project was born , a game integrated into the product that is based on the concept of a race against time: the user must complete actions that can only be performed by testing some advanced features of the software itself within the 30-day free trial.

Whoever comes first in the monthly ranking is entitled to a free copy of the full version. The results of this strategy speak for themselves:

Software usage sessions: +54%
click on the purchase button: +15%
Average lifetime value for the channel linked to the free trial: +29%
All this is explained in detail in this video:

Using gamification to benefit your business is a guarantee of great results: what are you waiting for to include it in your marketing strategy?
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