UX (User Experience) is a strategy for designing a website in such a way that it provides a positive experience.
That's why it's a good idea to have a UX designer as part of the team when creating a new website.
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Poor adaptation of the website to mobile devices
The first and most common mistake on clients' websites is their poor adaptation to mobile devices.
Desktop and mobile user statistics
Desktop and mobile user statistics
According to the statistics we can see on the Statcounter website, over 58% of Internet users in Poland browse websites on mobile devices. This is why it is so important for a website, or more precisely its mobile version, to be as mobile-friendly as possible.
Very slow speed and long page loading time
How and how quickly a user receives a fully interactive website has a particularly strong impact on the user's experience of our website.
Long loading times can put off potential customers. Online stores may be particularly vulnerable to this, as the long wait for site elements to load significantly impedes the completion of the purchase process.
Example result from Google PageSpeed Insight
Example result from Google PageSpeed Insight
The lowest value in Google PageSpeed Insight that I have encountered was 1!/100 points for the mobile version! Loading took a dozen or so seconds, where we were able to see the competition's page after just a few seconds.
SSL certificate expired
Another frequently encountered "glitch" that has a largely 99 acres database destructive impact on user experience is the lack, or more often than not, expiration, of an SSL certificate.
Very often, customers forget to pay for the certificate for the next subscription period, which causes users to lose access to the website.
Nowadays, most browsers will automatically block access to a site that does not have a certificate, often not even giving the user the option to view the site at their own risk.

Error related to missing or outdated SSL certificate
Error related to missing or outdated SSL certificate
Any UX errors that occurred during website design
In addition to the issues presented, I often solve UX problems for elements that were designed incorrectly at the website design stage.
The most common UX errors made when creating a website design include:
Non-intuitive navigation - a UX audit prepared for a client often includes a modification or even a complete implementation of new navigation - especially in an online store. Navigation or user interface is crucial from the user's point of view. It should not be misleading, be consistent and intuitive.
Annoying pop-ups - surely each of us can find dozens of examples of sites where we were attacked by pop-ups. Too many of them and how often they appear on your site can have a significant impact on what image of your company the customer remembers.
Bulky forms – No one likes to fill out dozens of pieces of information, so forms with too many fields to fill out will likely have a big impact on conversions.
404 error page - a common problem is a poorly optimized or complete lack of a 404 error page. A 404 page is a great way to encourage a user to perform some action, e.g. go to the "Offer" subpage.
Buttons - a huge topic. These are elements where a lot of mistakes are made at the same time. Starting with too small a font, through problems with button activation related to a non-optimal active area (especially on mobile devices). It is also worth paying attention to the very common case of too small distances between buttons and clickable elements.
Non-obvious interface elements - using all kinds of icons on our websites is the norm. However, often used icons perform different actions than those we are already accustomed to. Knowing that the "X" icon has always been used to close a window, this is the action it should perform.
Difficult contact - Another problem is that it is difficult for the customer to contact the company, which will probably make it impossible to convert. I often add modules to customer pages that allow for quick contact.
Page layout and content - at first glance, it might seem that the way we present the content of the page is unimportant. On the contrary, it is a very broad topic. It is in these elements that we can easily make users of the site give up on further browsing. Overloading with content, lack of readability, too long product descriptions (in the form of one block of text) have a negative impact on User Experience. This primarily concerns people browsing the page from a smartphone. The limited space means that it must be used very wisely. Otherwise, many users, for example, will prematurely end the purchasing process.
In my article I presented very briefly the most common UX errors I have had to work with. Unfortunately, there are often many more errors, smaller or larger.
Therefore, in my opinion, UX issues should be addressed already at the design stage, which would help avoid problems in the future.
It is worth having the project created by a UX designer together with content marketing specialists. A UX audit will eliminate the most common errors on your website and contribute to the User Experience being at the highest possible level.