Segment your contacts

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Segment your contacts

Post by Arzina111 »

1. Unify your database
Stop and think about what information is really relevant to your company and create fields to start creating a useful database for your sales team. Name, surname, company, position, phone number and email are usually the most requested data, however, you should think about the needs of your company and sector. Surely there are many empty spaces in your Excel sheet, but don't worry, one thing at a time, part of the work of recovering dormant leads or clients is to request new information.

To optimize and make the recovery process as efficient as possible, you will need to qualify your customers. Not all contacts are the same - nor are they all recoverable. Take notes on the customer's behavior, their business relationship with your company, the reason they rejected an offer, etc.

Don't be afraid to eliminate contacts that aren't worth fighting for or those that weren't obtained in a legitimate manner. This process can be a bit tedious, but it will not only help you create list of comoros consumer email a consistent database, but also analyze your company's past mistakes and visualize possible areas for improvement.

3. Strengthen customer service
The first cause of customer loss is lack of interaction. Poor service and poor communication can lead to a customer leaving. That is why the first step to recover old leads is to generate new points of contact and offer relevant information about our products and services . Check which digital channels salespeople and customers are in contact with (web chat, email, forms, etc.). Are they sufficient and are they being used properly?

Make sure your old customers are still there and show them that your company is too: offer them resources that can help them just as you would a new lead. Communicate with them frequently so they can see that you are thinking about them.


Convert old leads from your database into active customers
Once you have identified areas for improvement in your database management, discarded obsolete contacts, and standardized your contact classification parameters, it is time to reactivate the sales cycle.

The sales team will have to do a new screening, offering old contacts an exclusive offer, information about a new service, specific training on a product... In short, an offer that adds value to their company and reminds them that yours is still there.
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