What is mobile traffic

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What is mobile traffic

Post by subornaakter30 »

The emergence of such a concept as mobile traffic is associated with the increase in the number of people who use the mobile Internet.

Mobile Internet traffic is visiting a website using a mobile device (smartphone, tablet, computer connected to the Internet via a modem).

Statistics show that 35% of all Internet traffic comes from mobile devices. This means that every third user uses this method of visiting web resources.

Mobile Internet traffic of non-commercial v resources makes up 75%, and commercial ones – 25%. Its volumes are growing every day, and not everyone understands what to do with it.

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The growth of mobile traffic in the modern world
Since 2020, mobile traffic has increased by 10-30% (mainly due to video chats) due to the quarantine. According to mobile operators, the volume of voice services has also increased by about 20%. In self-isolation, people had no choice but to improve their level of digital education, so you should not expect a decrease in mobile traffic to the previous (pre-quarantine) level. In order for mobile operators' equipment to withstand the increased load, it needs to be modernized, and according to analysts, this could cost from 30 to 40 billion rubles.

What is mobile traffic

With the start of quarantine, not only home Internet providers but also mobile operators noticed an increase in traffic on their web resources. Depending on the region, the main representatives of Russian cellular communications (MTS, Megafon, Beeline and Tele2) saw their voice traffic increase by 12 to 23%. All operators also saw an increase in mobile Internet consumption: Tele2 by 17%, Megafon by up to 12% and MTS by 30% (and this is only in the Moscow region). The press service of MTS noted that regional consumption figures are very different.

Representatives of Megafon state that they are constantly working on expanding the infrastructure, investing considerable funds in it, so the increase in consumption does not pose any problems for the normal functioning of the Network.

Most mobile traffic goes to messengers and video chats. Megafon, for example, reported that in the first weeks of forced self-isolation, network subscribers began to use popular messengers twice as much. The number of Zoom users increased 50 times. However, WhatsApp remains the most popular (the volume of traffic that went through this application increased by 80%). Other services that allow video chats also noted an increase in traffic: in Skype, for example, by 233%, in FaceTime - by 94%, and in Viber - by 89%.

While in quarantine, users began to master various online services very quickly. When life returns to normal, mobile traffic may decrease, but it is unlikely to be the same as before.

Even when the pandemic subsides and ends, subscribers will not be the same. People may not spend as much time watching movies and TV shows, but streaming services and video
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