When you start reading business-related books, one of the first things you come across is the question about your target group. Right from the start, you need to answer who your customer is , what their needs are, and how your product can help them meet them. However, not everyone knows that what is most important to your customer determines what keywords should be used in the content on your website. Today, I will tell you how customer needs affect the choice of keywords.
Maslow's pyramid of needs
Other needs - other keywords
You have to know your customer
Maslow's pyramid of needs
To recognize the needs of your client, it is necessary to know greece business email list Maslow's pyramid of needs. At the base are physiological needs, then we have the needs of safety, belonging, and climbing further up we have the need for recognition, and at the very top we find the need for self-fulfillment.

customer needs
When trying to get to know our customer, we should certainly consider what stage their needs are related to our product. If you sell food products, you can certainly say that they satisfy the need for hunger, which is a physiological need. However, such products can also satisfy higher-order needs, such as the need for belonging – for example, to a group of people on a specific diet, recognition – eating healthy things, or self-fulfilment – a diet that helps in realizing dreams.
The situation is similar with satisfying needs if you sell clothes. On the one hand, you satisfy a basic need, which is the need to stay warm through clothing. However, you can also satisfy the need for belonging to a group or recognition if you sell clothes from a well-known brand considered luxury.
These are just simple examples, but I hope you’ve already seen that one product can meet several different needs. So it’s time to think about how they impact the keywords you should be using.
Other needs - other keywords
As you can imagine, each of these needs has a different marketing message. You need to answer the question of what is most important to your target group and which need comes to the fore. If the most important thing for your target group is to meet the need for belonging, then you will direct your message differently than to people who want recognition.
And since your message is to reach a specific target group that has clear needs, you need to take this into account in all your marketing activities, including when formulating content on your website. And here we come to the heart of the matter, which is what keywords you need to use.
In your content, you need to use keywords that clearly define which features of your products are most important to your recipient. Therefore, you need to recognize what adjectives customers use to describe the products you want to offer them. Typical adjectives include:
good quality,
etc. etc.
These are just examples, of course, but it is by looking for adjectives of this type that you can recognize whether your customers care primarily about price, or whether they will rather look at your product from a different angle. However, you will not know this without knowing your customer. Remember that what seems most important to you may not necessarily be the most important to your customer!
You have to know your customer
When you’re just starting out in business, you probably have some assumptions about your customers. You may have done some market research (I hope you have!) and you know what’s important to your target group and what’s less important. Based on that, you can choose the features that your customers will use to describe your product, and these will be the basis for further keyword analysis.
If you are already a step further, i.e. you are already operating on your market and have your first customers, the easiest way to learn about your customers' preferences is to ask them for their opinion. They will tell you the fastest why they chose this product and not another. From what you learn from them, you should pick out the words they use to describe it. Thanks to such a conversation, you will be able to recognize whether your customer cares more about aesthetics, price or quality.
As you can see, knowing the customer's needs is essential to knowing what keywords to use in your content. However, I wouldn't want you to blindly choose keywords related to customer needs based on whim. It's worth checking out keyword suggestion tools, thanks to which you will learn hard data on the number of searches and will help you find keywords that can give you the best results. In your search, you should try to find the golden mean, i.e. words that are often searched for but have low competition. If you want to know more about this topic, I invite you to read two articles: Keyword suggestion tools and how to choose keywords.
I hope my article helped you understand that when writing content for a website, you need to consider the needs of customers that your product can meet. If there are several of these needs, try to find the features that are most important to your target group and find the right keywords based on them.