While all of your business processes are important and necessary to achieve your goals, when certain problems arise, you may often get the feeling that even if you apply corrective actions, they will reappear after a certain time.
This happens because you are not able to solve the root cause of the problem, causing this constant repetition. When the focus is directed at the wrong processes, the problem is likely to reoccur cyclically until the causes that generated it are resolved.
There are different types of processes that are appropriate for different organizations. Some will be more complex than others, but ultimately, all of them should undergo periodic reviews to ensure that they are working properly. When this does not happen, it is more difficult to detect failures or errors in advance and apply improvements at the right time.
It will also not be possible to identify critical processes that are of vital importance to your business growth, which could direct your efforts towards less relevant processes.
To prevent you from prioritizing the wrong processes, in this article, we will explore what types of processes exist, how they are articulated in your company to achieve objectives and goals, and how to identify the highest priority ones, in order to understand where to focus your improvement efforts.
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Normally, we find a certain logic in the relationship between a company and its processes: an efficient company that obtains good results will necessarily have efficient processes that generate good results . On the contrary, an inefficient company will have inefficient processes that generate bad ones.
This logic, which can be applied to all circumstances in life, is known as cause and effect. So, if something does not work as it should in your company, it is very likely that the failure will have repercussions in all areas of the organization.
However, processes are not executed or stopped magically, but rather respond to the actions carried out by people, so surrounding yourself with the right human capital is part of the healthy practices that promote process improvement in your organization.
Finally, the use of technologies helps reduce errors or prevent them from occurring, once the root cause of a problem has been discovered, since they allow the performance of processes to be optimized and improve the performance of the people who use them regularly.
The company speaks for its processes
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