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Statistics are allowed again

Post by arzina221 »

Boost for the economy, innovation and entrepreneurship
The US is already miles ahead of the Netherlands in unlocking government information. Obama recognizes the power that innovative companies have to use this 'open data' to develop new products. He sees an important advantage, precisely in sharing this government data and making it widely accessible. This gives the economy a boost, leads to more innovation, entrepreneurship and provides new insights.

Economic value of government information around 40 billion per year
In Europe, the UK, France and Denmark are leading the way. The European Commission estimates that the economic value of government information is around 40 billion per year. If the full potential of unlocking data is used, this could be doubled. It leads to more tax revenues and cost savings. Two years ago, the McKinsey Global Institute calculated that in the US alone, unlocking healthcare data could generate a value of $300 billion per year, or $1,000 per person. Two-thirds of this would be in the form of savings.

ition, the web visitor no longer has to explicitly check a box to give permission, but this can also be demonstrated by another action such as surfing further, provided that your visitor understands that he is then giving permission.

The cookie law is a hot topic, as this new proposal illustrates. One sentence of the cookie law is changed, but fifteen pages are needed for the explanation. The actual amendment looks like this (point b):

“11.7 a paragraph 3
3. The provisions of the first paragraph shall not senegal phone data apply if the storage or access concerns:
a. the sole purpose of carrying out the communication over an electronic communications network,
b. which is strictly necessary to provide the information society service requested by the subscriber or user or – provided that this has no or only minor consequences for the privacy of the subscriber or user concerned – in order to obtain information about the quality or effectiveness of an information society service provided.”

In addition to functional cookies that are necessary to enable communication or to provide a service (shopping carts, login data), cookies that have a minor impact on privacy are now also exempted from the obligation to inform and request permission. As an example, the minister mentions analytics, affiliate and A/B testing cookies. The condition is that you do not use the data to create profiles.

Furthermore, if you use a third party for your analytics, such as Google, you must conclude a processing agreement with this party in which you agree that Google may not use the cookie data.

code of law.
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