Don't neglect the contact person you place at your B2B technical hotline. Indeed, in the context of a very specific activity such as industry, the questions your customers will ask you will certainly be very specific and will require a precise answer. In addition, when a customer is faced with a problem, their perception of time is 2.5 times higher than reality. It is therefore essential to provide them with a quick and clear answer so as not to increase their impatience and dissatisfaction. To do this, it is essential that an expert in your sector of activity responds to them, in order to reduce the waiting time to resolve their problem as much as possible. It is indeed logical that an insider will resolve the problem much more quickly than a novice. Therefore, placing a specialist in front of your dissatisfied customers will allow you to explain the situation to them, involve them in the solution and thus make them more patient and understanding. phone number list
It is then an excellent way to satisfy them and improve your brand image.Whether or not you have a B2B technical hotline, you will receive questions about your offer in any case, you will still be contacted in the event of a breakdown. The difference is that if you do not have a service dedicated to these answers, you will waste time and money by dealing with them on a case-by-case basis. Indeed, you will disturb the people who know the answer by cutting them off from tasks where they have added value. In addition, your customer will wait longer than necessary while you look for the answer yourself, which risks giving you a bad brand image. Conversely, if you have a B2B technical hotline, all incoming requests are managed by the same person. Thus, although the costs related to this activity are apparent whereas they are not in the first case, you know first of all how much it costs you precisely, and above all you achieve economies of scale. Indeed, your service will gain in efficiency, quality and will be more and more efficient over time.