Reading emails, surfing the web, all these small daily actions are not carried out in the same way on mobile, tablet and computer. Because it is mainly used in mobile situations and environments that do not encourage "serene" browsing, the smartphone creates a very particular behavior. The mobile user is not patient and his navigation is ephemeral, he is volatile . Usage statistics confirm this: 37% of sessions on mobile are less than 1 minute, the exit rate on the 2nd page of a site is 25% higher than on other devices and it only takes 39 seconds for the mobile user to decide to leave a page, compared to 50 seconds on a computer (Content Square study).
The message is clear: if the information is not directly transmitted, the mobile user will not go looking for it. Countering the volatility of the medium (linked to the context of use) requires a rethought construction of the message. Responsive website, newsletter adapted to the size of the screen, hierarchical landing pages… To convince the impatient mobile user, the bulgaria phone number data right information must reach him at the right time. The mobile user doesn't wait! Because mobile users do not have time to wait (using their smartphone on public transport, between meetings, etc.) and want information immediately, they are very sensitive to a site's UX (User Experience).
In addition to being impatient, the mobile user is demanding. No room for error. 1 in 5 mobile users are faced with a loading time of more than 5 seconds. However, the probability of seeing them leave the site after these 5 seconds is 50%. Poor loading performance is therefore a deal breaker on smartphones : 25% of mobile users exit when faced with an error message (Content Square study). Users also expect continuity in their mobile and desktop experience: they want to find the same information and features seen earlier on mobile when browsing on a computer. 83% of mobile users consider this consistency between devices important (2014 Mobile Behavior Report, Salesforce).
Today, UX (user experience) must be thought of mobile before desktop . To meet the requirements of mobile users, it is necessary to start from the smartphone to arrive at the computer, unlike the responsive design practices of previous years. Building a landing page or an entire site must first be translated into mobile mockups, then adapted to larger screens. Improving performance (server response time, lighter images, "clean" code, etc.) and ergonomic best practices (displaying a progress bar during loading to encourage patience, for example) help prevent a massive loss of mobile users. Good SMS practices to adopt can also be read on CULTURE DATA The mobile user has difficulty getting past the point of purchasing!