Reward your team’s achievements

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Reward your team’s achievements

Post by pappu665 »

This point reinforces the previous advice and is that recognizing your workers publicly is good, but rewarding them is better.

These rewards don't have to be monetary, they can be a group outing or event, a trophy, a team shirt, a day off, or anything that motivates your team.

Come up with original ideas that emphasize the importance of teamwork and reinforce them using gamification concepts.

Create competitions and contests.
Salespeople are competitive by nature, and these types pr directors email lists of characteristics can be used positively to foster unity among all members of your team.

The simplest and most effective contest is to set micro-goals that allow you to get closer to the general goal. It could be something like “The first team to make 30 calls” or “Whoever makes the most closing attempts in 5 hours.”

As in every competition, the prizes are an important part, this motivates them and makes them participate with all possible enthusiasm.

The final reward does not have to be an excessive amount but it should be attractive enough to motivate your team members to collaborate with each other and ensure that the goal is achieved.

We personally use doubling commissions for consistently meeting goals, but you can try other things like special gifts or as we discussed above, access to group outings or recreational meals.


The best part of integrating and living with your team is the camaraderie that is created. The same logic applies to sales, the team's approach will encourage positivity and healthy competition.

I only have one thing left to say, or rather to ask:

Do you accept the challenge of creating a united sales team?

There are many other tips that we left out and that we can surely share with you later, however these can give you a pretty clear idea of ​​what you have to do to create a united and incredible sales team.
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