Just consider what the author has achieved
Posted: Tue Dec 17, 2024 9:06 am
For example, if you succeed in bringing an improved cell phone to market, you will have made a positive contribution, making it a success that benefits everyone. Even if other businesses are initially jealous, they will learn from the contribution and seek their own success.
In this way, the golden rule of business pushes you to give your all and is the necessary tool to reach your true potential.
Until the age of 25, his entire life revolved around communication directors email lists alcohol and drugs. One day he realized that he was not living a full and fulfilling life and he did not have the will to achieve anything. So he changed his mindset and worked hard until he achieved results that he had not even imagined.
In the following chapters you will also learn how you can do the same by applying the golden rule of business in your life.
quote about golden rule in business
3. When faced with a challenge, go all in.
Have you ever heard of the four levels of action? It's a very simple concept that says that when we are confronted with a situation we can respond in one of four ways:
1. Do nothing
2. Withdraw
3. Take action as normal
4. Take massive action

The last of these four is the key to success and I'm not kidding or telling you anything.
To see this fourth principle in action, just look at a child. (Tony Robbins example, child who wants ice cream)
Be like a child. Instead of thinking about how many hours you can spend on each task, take massive action on all of them and it will become a natural habit. Let’s say you have to sell your product to an influencer in your industry or sector. Instead of being tight on budget or measuring your approach, take massive action to convince them. Do all the research you can on them, spend what it takes, and don’t give up until they’re totally convinced of your product.
In this way, the golden rule of business pushes you to give your all and is the necessary tool to reach your true potential.
Until the age of 25, his entire life revolved around communication directors email lists alcohol and drugs. One day he realized that he was not living a full and fulfilling life and he did not have the will to achieve anything. So he changed his mindset and worked hard until he achieved results that he had not even imagined.
In the following chapters you will also learn how you can do the same by applying the golden rule of business in your life.
quote about golden rule in business
3. When faced with a challenge, go all in.
Have you ever heard of the four levels of action? It's a very simple concept that says that when we are confronted with a situation we can respond in one of four ways:
1. Do nothing
2. Withdraw
3. Take action as normal
4. Take massive action
The last of these four is the key to success and I'm not kidding or telling you anything.
To see this fourth principle in action, just look at a child. (Tony Robbins example, child who wants ice cream)
Be like a child. Instead of thinking about how many hours you can spend on each task, take massive action on all of them and it will become a natural habit. Let’s say you have to sell your product to an influencer in your industry or sector. Instead of being tight on budget or measuring your approach, take massive action to convince them. Do all the research you can on them, spend what it takes, and don’t give up until they’re totally convinced of your product.