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Five minutes a day can change your destiny

Posted: Tue Dec 17, 2024 7:27 am
by pappu665
Here you will discover why saying “I can’t” is not valid. You can’t give up!

Habits of successful people
Learning, reading and listening are of no use if we do not put them into practice. Never leave something just in theory, you must execute it, trial and error until you perfect it.

Changes can be difficult and sometimes we administration directors email lists don't want to take risks for fear of experiencing something different, but life is about that, taking risks, in sales that's how it is, a call, a single phrase, can lead us to glory.

So, if you don't want to stay in your comfort zone all your life and want to enjoy the fruits of jumping into the ring, you need to put into practice these 12 habits that Robert Kiyosaki has for you.

This is one of the motivational videos for salespeople that you definitely shouldn't miss.

Self-motivation is an essential part of my daily life. The career of a salesperson is not easy. Constant rejection can hurt our feelings and change our idea of ​​who we are, even making us doubt whether we are good enough for them.

You won't always have people cheering you up, telling you that you are good at something. You have to believe it, you have to start with yourself, deep down inside.


Take five minutes each day and talk to yourself before you start your day. Mention everything you have accomplished, how good you are, and use it as fuel to achieve your goals.

The impossible is in the minds of the comfortable
How do you feel about the job you are doing? If your answer is comfortable, calm, nothing new has happened, monotonous, I will not ask you to leave it, on the contrary, I want you to watch this video and decide to risk changing direction or take risks because you think it is difficult to try new things and you will fail.

After watching this video, you'll only be able to say: Nothing is impossible, leave the excuses behind. This is one of the motivational videos for salespeople that will get you out of your comfort zone.

In 2004, Pablo Fernández suffered a post-traumatic injury that affected his entire body's mobility. Two years later, he resumed his studies and graduated with a degree in Graphic Design and Audiovisual Communication. He currently works as a designer in the marketing and communication area of ​​the Municipal Tourism Authority.

If you think you can't do it, let me tell you that you are completely wrong.