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How technology helps generate interdepartmental collaboration

Posted: Tue Dec 17, 2024 7:08 am
by Aklima@4
We explain how technology is substantially improving interdepartmental collaboration.

Technology is one of the great levers of collaboration between departments
Connecting departments is one of the most important challenges for 21st century companies

Traditionally, interdepartmental collaboration has been very much centered on the hierarchical line. Managers became the bridge for information and orders to go up and down. This put their reports and meetings at the center. An enabling environment had to be created that would generate incentives for information sharing and allow the company as a whole to move forward.

However, errors, lack of material resources, poor night clubs and bars email list organisation, incentives not to cooperate and many other difficulties have traditionally been important barriers to interdepartmental collaboration. Now, technology is helping in various ways to ensure that all areas of the company work in a well-aligned manner.

Artificial intelligence in interdepartmental collaboration
Complexity is one of the frequent challenges of collaboration between departments. The goal is to find solutions together, with each party contributing information and a set of restrictions and requirements. Frustration sets in when, after having tried hard, a convincing answer is not found.


A lot of time is wasted sifting through data, looking at what is not understood, what does not work. Each department runs the risk of becoming a mere supervisor for the other. However, AI-based solutions can avoid much of that work. They can be geared towards doing the more routine part of corroboration.

But even more, artificial intelligence must be used to determine the key points . It must show the possible ways for the pieces to fit together in a way that is understandable to all involved.