Specify the campaign objective

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Specify the campaign objective

Post by rakibhasan02 »

After registration, the user will go to the advertising campaign creation menu. It will be necessary to specify the priority goal:

Conversion : This goal is suitable if the company plans to attract traffic to the website, increase the number of app installations, increase product sales or visits to retail outlets, etc.
Awareness . These are reach campaigns that are used to display ads to the maximum number of users from the selected audience, increase views of advertising videos, listening to audio ads, etc.
If your ad is conversion-focused, you'll need to add a link to your website or landing page. Then you'll need to enter the campaign name. Now you can start setting up your audience.

Let's assume that an online store overseas data needs to increase sales. In this case, the company can choose one of the goals of the "Conversions" block:

Traffic . The company advertises the site in order to attract new users. In this case, the consumer can be directed to any page (with promotional items, to a catalog section, to a category with the necessary filter, etc.).
Sales of products from the catalog . In this case, the consumer sees products that he has already viewed. To set up such ads, you will need a functioning [email protected] counter on the website. In addition, it is necessary to correctly fill out the product feed. This is a file in XML format with products and their characteristics, in particular, with the name, cost, image, etc.
Visiting sales points . This goal is suitable if the company has offline stores. You can demonstrate products to people who live near the sales point or often pass by it.
Objectives from the Awareness block (reach, video views or audio ads) can be selected to increase brand awareness.


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The goal determines the type of training, the placement of the advertisement and the appropriate ad formats.

You can import a ready-made campaign from myTarget. To do this, you must either upload a file or enter the campaign name. This function will help if you need to test different targeting options or ads. As a result, several similar campaigns will be launched that differ from each other only by one factor that needs to be tested.

If you need to run contextual targeting (displaying ads based on queries entered by users in a search engine), you can activate the function of importing campaigns from Yandex.Direct and Google Ads. The size of the uploaded file should not exceed 5 MB. In addition, you cannot import more than 1000 lines and more than 100 groups.

The standard myTarget settings work as follows: all ad groups are combined into one campaign. If you need to separate them, you need to check the corresponding box.

In the "Search period" field, you can specify a time limit. By default, the service sets 12 days. It is better to choose a period that is equal to the cycle of making a decision to purchase a product.

When importing campaigns, the platform takes into account the number of characters in the title. The ad will be created if as many characters as required by myTarget were used. If their number does not correspond to the service rules, the platform imports the keys and images that are used when composing ads. To get acquainted with the step-by-step instructions for importing and processing the downloaded information, you can open the myTarget help.
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