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Five benefits of intensive summer work days for companies

Posted: Tue Dec 17, 2024 3:51 am
by jrineak.t.er0.1
Continuous working hours in summer are beneficial for many types of businesses, as they concentrate working hours and allow employees to use the rest of the day for their own purposes. Not all companies have this option, especially those that work with the public, but it is worth considering whether work can be organised in this way to achieve better results .

Benefits of the intensive workday
A shorter workday is good for the interests of the company and its employees. In some businesses, there is the idea that working fewer hours means doing fewer tasks and therefore belize email list earning less money, when reality shows that the opposite is true.

The longer the working hours, the less productivity and the better the results. On the contrary, a person who gets up at 6-7 in the morning and starts the day at 9, at 7 in the evening, 13-12 hours after getting up, is no longer fit for much running. In fact, he is not fit after the 8 hours of normal work have passed, which means that between 5 and 7 in the evening his contribution is much less than when he is fresh in the early hours of the day; and if we add to this the time spent travelling, when he gets home he will have little energy left to do anything.


It's time for company managers to overcome the "fear of the empty office ," a syndrome that leads to people valuing "being" (in the office, warming the chair) more than "being" (a good worker, useful to the company). It's okay if a client calls when everyone has gone home.

If things are done right, over time, customers will have become accustomed to the availability of the new working day and the company will be able to implement protocols for action in case of emergency , which can be activated if a need arises that must be attended to in the afternoon because it cannot wait until the next day. It is the exception that can always exist and that must be separated from the norm.

A continuous workday is highly valued by employees and is a differential factor in attracting talent , enabling work-life balance , saving expenses, improving productivity and helping people grow personally, developing skills and acquiring knowledge, which is materially impossible during an extended workday due to a lack of time and energy.