When social isolation is already the asia mobile number list norm and the first blows are reaching all economies, it is time to look ahead and think about how to recover your company when everything is over . Marketing is going to be very important to reactivate your company's sales.

Globally, the impact of Covid-19 is expected to continue to be felt through the third quarter of 2021 and could rebound in the end of 2020. We are in a time of limited visibility, when everything is new , there is little control over the environment and many unknown variables. Speeding up would be foolhardy, but slowing down to a standstill would be a bad decision. As Baron Rothschild said: “Buy when there is blood in the streets, even if it is your own.”
In recent days we have been helping our B2B clients make decisions in times of the Covid-19 coronavirus , which we can share in the form of analysis notes on the best B2B marketing strategies at this time.