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Trends to decorate your home in 2021

Posted: Sun Dec 15, 2024 7:07 am
by pappu888
Imagine a functional, comfortable, pleasant, sustainable and designer home .

It may be what you are looking for if you have started to renovate, if you are going to move into a new apartment or if, due to confinement, you have found it necessary to rethink the image and practicality of your home . Well, the decoration trends for this new year include aspects such as those that open this article.

And it is not surprising: sustainability has been one of the topics board members email lists on the table for a long time. And, on the other hand, the pandemic situation has forced us to spend a lot of time at home , so now more than ever we are interested in it being a place full of well-being . A cozy place but, at the same time, functional . What's more: multifunctional .

Natural materials, handmade elements, vintage pieces and a mix of styles are other concepts that make an appearance.

In this post, we summarize some interior design trends expected for 2021. To do so, we have taken as a reference articles from the specialized publications Mi Casa , Revista Interiores , El Mueble and AD . Do you dare to redecorate your home or give it a little facelift to make it up to date?


Naturgy fills your home with GoodEnergy

Before we start, we remind you that at Naturgy we have solutions for your home such as Superpacks , with which you can save up to €168 a year on electricity and gas. And, since sustainability is a trend and as a company we care about #GoodEnergy, we cannot forget…

Solar panels Servisolar, which reduce your bill by up to 60%


The Servigas Confort smart thermostat , which you can control from your mobile phone and boosts efficient consumption

Decoration in times of COVID

“The experts are clear: next year, the search for well-being at home will take precedence, above all else.” This is what they say in AD magazine . And the fact is that we are coming from a lockdown, mobility restrictions, teleworking… and this new normality will be better spent in a warm and pleasant place and, on the other hand, comfortable and functional . This binomial will be a trend.

By functional we mean the practicality of the pieces but also versatile living rooms and rooms , where you can watch a movie or do a cardio class. Or telework. In the latter case, you can buy a sideboard for the living room that, when you need it, acts as a desk . Or make space for a fixed desk. Another option is to set up a room as an office.