Let me give you a practical example:
Posted: Sun Dec 15, 2024 7:07 am
A Note About Time Limits: If the default value of 30 minutes doesn't work well for you, you can customize the length of a session by going to Admin > Tracking Information > Session Settings:
What is a session in Google Analytics(1)
Difference Between Sessions and azerbaijan phone number library Users in Google Analytics
In Google Analytics, 'sessions' refer to the number of individual sessions initiated by all users of your website, while 'users' refer to the number of unique visitors to the site.
This term is not as perfect as it sounds. Google stopped using the term “unique visitors” because they are not always unique. For example, if you log in from two devices, the report will show two users. That’s why they are now called users.
– When you first enter a website, a GA cookie is set with a unique identifier that identifies you as a new user.

– You spent 5 minutes on the website, checked a few pages and then left. Google just completed your first session.
– If you return to the website later the same day from the same device and browser, GA will recognize you as a returning user: spend a few more minutes on the website and you will have completed another session.
At this point, you are a two-session user.
In other words, a user can have multiple sessions, but you can't have more users than sessions, since each user starts a session when they first visit your site.
What is a session in Google Analytics(1)
Difference Between Sessions and azerbaijan phone number library Users in Google Analytics
In Google Analytics, 'sessions' refer to the number of individual sessions initiated by all users of your website, while 'users' refer to the number of unique visitors to the site.
This term is not as perfect as it sounds. Google stopped using the term “unique visitors” because they are not always unique. For example, if you log in from two devices, the report will show two users. That’s why they are now called users.
– When you first enter a website, a GA cookie is set with a unique identifier that identifies you as a new user.

– You spent 5 minutes on the website, checked a few pages and then left. Google just completed your first session.
– If you return to the website later the same day from the same device and browser, GA will recognize you as a returning user: spend a few more minutes on the website and you will have completed another session.
At this point, you are a two-session user.
In other words, a user can have multiple sessions, but you can't have more users than sessions, since each user starts a session when they first visit your site.