In short:
Customer Persona - who is your customer
Create a skilled customer service team
Appropriate content - consistent communication
Build a relationship with your customer - a pillar of Customer Experience cx
The right website and analysis tools
Answer questions quickly - perfect customer service
Measure NPS and CSAT metrics
Create a loyalty system
Post reviews - Customer Experience of other users
Respond to negative feedback
Customer Experience Summary - 10 Rules for an Effective Strategy
Customer Persona - who is your customer
One of the most common strategic mistakes of a company is the lack of defined customers. Fortunately, many stores are already aware that their products are not for everyone - but still it is not enough. Brands stop at defining groups of recipients (e.g. men or women) without analyzing the persona further, which can significantly increase the company's profits. Every store or service provider must know what characteristics their customer has. By directing advertising to a wide group of recipients, we can reach people who will not be interested in a given product in the near future. This can easily cause them bad experiences that will affect their opinions about the brand.
When creating personas, you need to answer the following questions:
Who is the client?
What are his concerns?
What challenges does he face?
What does he want to gain?
Knowing the answers to these questions will give you the opportunity to create content that will build positive customer experiences, which will help you gain new business or sell more products.
Let's talk about advertising your business on the Internet
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Create a skilled customer service team
In an effective Customer Experience strategy, the human element is very important. How many times have you been put off going to a store because of unpleasant service? I am convinced that many times. Despite the wide online world, users still want to be able to talk to a human being. An answer from an expert effectively helps them make a decision.
Your team that will build Customer Experience should be focused on customer satisfaction. So look for people who easily establish relationships with others and like to work in a team. Interpersonal interactions are too overwhelming for many people. If such people serve your customer, they may not fulfill their role.
The ability to handle high-pressure situations is another vk database important trait. An angry customer, dissatisfied with a product or service, requires a special approach. You should calmly discuss the matter and look for the best solution so that the customer's experience changes from negative to neutral, or in the best case, to positive.

Monitor employee engagement. Every top player has weaker moments. If you notice that your team's engagement is dropping - react. Happy employee = Happy customer.
Appropriate content - consistent communication
Once you have defined your personas - learn to speak their language. The brand message should be consistent and clear throughout the entire purchase path. This consistent material will slowly build trust in customers and thus trigger a positive customer experience.
Casual, eloquent or sophisticated? The language you use in your communication with your client must be present on every channel. A discrepancy between communities can lead to a disruption of your credibility. So if you decide to communicate more casually because your client is people under 20 - do not create eloquent texts on the company blog, which will be accompanied by short posts on social media. This contradiction will not bring anything good, what's more, a person who browses the company's social media when entering another channel may feel completely alien.
Content written in the customer's language is the first step to building positive, long-term relationships - the most important, intangible value.
Build a relationship with your customer - a pillar of Customer Experience CX
Not so long ago, brands competed with each other in terms of product availability, prices, and range of services. Today, technology has advanced to the point where most stores can offer us the same product at a similar price. What keeps a customer with us longer is a relationship. A relationship with a company, a relationship with a carer, identifying with a given company.
Take mobile networks, for example. They all offer low-cost subscriptions, unlimited calls, and unlimited internet. So how can they entice a new customer to switch to them if they offer the same? - Relationships. Customer service is what keeps regular customers and attracts new ones. The guarantee of a quick resolution, a 24-hour hotline, and help even on weekends convinces a customer to use their services.
Build your communication so that every customer, regardless of whether they are new or regular, feels appreciated and valued. A personal e-mail, a special discount code for a customer's birthday, or free delivery for their name day will trigger positive emotions. Don't be afraid that the customer will consider it as surveillance of their privacy. Date of birth, name and surname are data that most brands collect when signing up for the newsletter, and the user, by providing them, does so consciously and voluntarily. However, if you receive an e-mail that a given customer no longer wishes to have their data stored by your company - quickly send them confirmation of their deletion - This message will definitely be valuable in their eyes.