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IX SDG Breakfast: The impact of mobility on the SDGs

Posted: Wed Dec 11, 2024 9:29 am
by rabia829
On November 12th and for the first time online due to the health situation, Mediapost held the 9th SDG Breakfast after a break of almost ten months. The SDG Breakfast initiative, framed within Mediapost's commitment , aims to disseminate and generate debate around the 2030 Agenda, the United Nations initiative based on the 17 Sustainable Development Goals.

After having speakers on previous occasions such as Leire Pajín , Miguel Ángel Moratinos , Carlos Mataix , María Cortés Puch , Joaquín Nieto , Roberto Ballester, Marike de Peña, Isabel Vasserot , Rémi Parmentier and Agustín Delgado , this IX SDG Breakfast has had as speaker May López, development director of the Companies for Sustainable Mobility forum.

The meeting focused on SDGs Make cities more inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable”, “Ensure sustainable consumption and production amazon phone number data patterns” and “Take urgent measures to combat climate change and its impacts”. All of these are objectives on which mobility has a very significant impact.


40 million daily trips
From the point of view of labour mobility, López highlighted at this IX SDG Breakfast that “before the pandemic, 40 million journeys were made daily in Spain, 60% of them in private vehicles”. Hybrid models in which teleworking plays a relevant role are becoming increasingly necessary in a scenario of fighting against climate change and for the quality of life in urban areas.

During the Covid-19 pandemic, especially in the first few weeks, there was a reduction in emissions related to this almost unprecedented drop in labour mobility, but consumer needs and the increase in e-commerce, among other issues, led to other emissions. The platform Companies for Sustainable Mobility carried out a study in April on trends in mobility , consumption and digitalisation, among others.

The impact of mobility on the SDGs
The impact of e-commerce on sustainability is very high. The unprecedented growth experienced by this commercial activity has generated an impact due to concepts such as “super urgency”, the supposed need to receive purchases in extremely short time frames generated by large e-commerce operators. The environmental impact of one-hour or same-day deliveries is very high, since it involves mobilizing CO2-emitting vehicles in greater numbers and frequency. Transport is responsible for 25% of greenhouse gas emissions (CO2 equivalent) in Europe, 14% worldwide.

"As companies, when introducing a product to the market, we must take into account the impact on the mobility of the product to the customer, that of our employees and the return of that product. Not in vain, we must highlight that in e-commerce the return rate reaches 20%, because the consumer has many facilities for their returns and that leads them to make purchases thinking about the return from the beginning," May López told us in her speech.

We must be aware that we consume the equivalent of 1.3 planets in resources per year. The so-called “Earth Overshoot Day”, which is the day that marks the total consumption of planetary resources per year, is increasingly coming at an earlier date. At European level, the goal is to be climate neutral by 2050, which undoubtedly requires the collaboration of companies, institutions and society.

If you were unable to attend our 9th SDG Breakfast or would like to watch it again, you can see the video via this link .