Written communication dominates the way we communicate. We spend our days sending and receiving short messages. According to the Telefónica Foundation's 2015 Information Society Report , most of our communications are done through instant messaging applications such as WhatsApp or Telegram. In addition, we share photos, videos, or write tweets on social networks such as Facebook, Twitter, Snapchat or the recently released Instagram Stories . The latter allow our message to disappear in a matter of hours, making it totally ephemeral. With just one touch, we have the possibility of having our message published simultaneously on different platforms and this in turn reaching different people at the same time.
Communicating only in writing can lead to misinterpretations of a message, because it lacks other actions such as tone of voice, the gestures we use when expressing ourselves or the emphasis we give to the message, which are essential to correctly express what we want to convey. In addition, in the long run it considerably reduces our dialectical capacity.
Written communication is also a more denmark email address economical way of communicating, as we use the Internet more and more and phone calls less and less. Telephone companies know this and have been offering users flat data rates for unlimited browsing for some time now. Sending text messages means that sending and receiving messages takes place without coinciding in time and are separated by a certain period of time, which means that we can think about the response and where and how we want to respond.
It is becoming more and more common to find situations such as attending a meeting with friends where, instead of talking to each other, we take out our cell phone to talk at the same time with other people who are not there, or we start checking our social networks, completely ignoring and not paying attention to the conversation that is taking place.
is no culture or concern for learning about public speaking. For most people, speaking in public is a difficult experience , it becomes an uncomfortable moment, most of the time because we are not comfortable or we do not know how to deal with the situation correctly.