White hat SEO vs Black hat SEO
Posted: Sat Dec 07, 2024 10:30 am
SEO ( Search Engine Optimization ) is the positioning of the different results offered when performing a search on channels such as Google. It is about obtaining organic results, that is, those for which you have not had to pay to achieve them . This achievement is achieved by working on the content with the algorithms that Google favors in mind. It is a whole discipline that has become increasingly complex. And as with everything in life, there are two ways to do it, the good way (White hat SEO) and the bad way (Black hat SEO). Today we want to talk to you about both.
What is White Hat SEO?
It consists of working appropriately so that search engines position us afghanistan phone number list increasingly in the highest and most advantageous positions in their ranking . The results are usually seen in the medium or long term, since it is not at all an easy task. White hat SEO is based on uploading quality content that is of interest to the user and with an orderly structure and a narrative that can attract the attention of all those people with concerns about what we write about.
This requires careful and professional work , including choosing the keywords (main terms) of our text intelligently so that they can be easily understood by search engines. We must also work on creating good titles for the texts, not just making them eye-catching.
Another action that increases SEO positioning is adding external links to other blogs . Obviously, they must make sense and have a specific meaning, as well as be moderated . There is little point in adding hundreds of links if they do not present the slightest coherence. And another good practice is to use subtitles and headings to clearly differentiate the different sections of the text.
What is Black Hat SEO?
One way to define it is the fast way of doing things. Black hat SEO techniques are actually capable of producing really fast results. But they have the downside that search engines and users themselves end up penalizing the pages that use them, since they do not seek to improve anyone's online experience . Therefore, working following this type of system is counterproductive , since these measures are not capable of supporting a good strategy for using SEO language.
One of these little tricks that some people still use is to write hidden texts. Normally, the text is in the same color as the background of the website, and so they are imperceptible to the human eye. And what these texts do is help that page appear as one of the first in people's searches.
Another tool of Black Hat SEO is to add keywords in an uncontrolled and anarchic way. This will obviously improve the results in search engines very quickly, but in the long run it is counterproductive, since Google develops more and more algorithms that it uses to detect those pages that cheat .
Why opt for using White hat SEO
What is White Hat SEO?
It consists of working appropriately so that search engines position us afghanistan phone number list increasingly in the highest and most advantageous positions in their ranking . The results are usually seen in the medium or long term, since it is not at all an easy task. White hat SEO is based on uploading quality content that is of interest to the user and with an orderly structure and a narrative that can attract the attention of all those people with concerns about what we write about.
This requires careful and professional work , including choosing the keywords (main terms) of our text intelligently so that they can be easily understood by search engines. We must also work on creating good titles for the texts, not just making them eye-catching.

Another action that increases SEO positioning is adding external links to other blogs . Obviously, they must make sense and have a specific meaning, as well as be moderated . There is little point in adding hundreds of links if they do not present the slightest coherence. And another good practice is to use subtitles and headings to clearly differentiate the different sections of the text.
What is Black Hat SEO?
One way to define it is the fast way of doing things. Black hat SEO techniques are actually capable of producing really fast results. But they have the downside that search engines and users themselves end up penalizing the pages that use them, since they do not seek to improve anyone's online experience . Therefore, working following this type of system is counterproductive , since these measures are not capable of supporting a good strategy for using SEO language.
One of these little tricks that some people still use is to write hidden texts. Normally, the text is in the same color as the background of the website, and so they are imperceptible to the human eye. And what these texts do is help that page appear as one of the first in people's searches.
Another tool of Black Hat SEO is to add keywords in an uncontrolled and anarchic way. This will obviously improve the results in search engines very quickly, but in the long run it is counterproductive, since Google develops more and more algorithms that it uses to detect those pages that cheat .
Why opt for using White hat SEO