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Adapt your website to different screen sizes

Posted: Sat Dec 07, 2024 9:40 am
by Arzina111
External links. Google appreciates that you try to add value and add links from your website to other websites, as long as the number of links is not excessive (this could be considered spam) and that they are relevant pages related to your content.
Internal links. If there is something that can help you keep visitors on your website for longer and help them find other content that may be of interest to them (services, products, offers, articles, etc.), it is internal links. A good internal link structure can help you strengthen the SEO of certain pages on your website that you consider key to your business. In fact, when you create a link from one of your pages to another, the first is transmitting part of its popularity to the second.
Inbound links. One of the most influential SEO criteria, without a doubt, is obtaining inbound links to our website, especially if they come from third-party pages with a certain level of authority. We are talking about everything from news in specialized media or newspapers to directories, forums or articles that find our content interesting and link to it. Here we enter the realm of Off-Page SEO and there are so many nuances and techniques used that it would be worth dedicating an exclusive article to this section.
Broken links. One factor that can penalize a website is an excessive number of broken links that lead to error pages, which create a bad user experience.
Just one last note about links. When creating a link, one of the aspects that should be taken into account is the so-called anchor text , the visible text that users can click on, where it would be advisable to use the keyword with which we want to position the linked page.

Since 2016, mobile phones have surpassed computers as the main device for accessing the Internet in Spain . This is a global trend, so it is logical that Google increasingly values ​​czech republic email list responsive web pages in its algorithm , meaning that they can be viewed correctly on different screen sizes and on all types of devices, whether computers, tablets or mobile phones.

10. Incorporate the HTTPS protocol into your website
In 2018, major browsers will begin to mark all pages that do not have an SSL certificate as “not secure .” In fact, it is estimated that almost half of search results already use the HTTPS protocol , which allows for more secure transfer of information over the Internet.

What started as a recommended feature for online payment stores was later extended to websites with forms and is now going to become a requirement for any type of page, with a direct influence on search engine positioning . Google has started to give a lot of importance to the HTTPS protocol since December 2015 and in the short term it may become a factor that negatively impacts the SEO of those pages that do not have an SSL certificate.


11. Tell search engines how you want them to index your website
We're now entering a bit more complex territory. We promised not to overuse overly technical terms, so let's be as didactic as possible. In a nutshell, through robots.txt and sitemap files we can tell search engines how we want them to index our website and which pages we want (or not) to appear in their search results.