Learn all about editorial design and its importance for marketing
Posted: Sat Dec 07, 2024 4:43 am
Editorial design is an ancient technique, dating back more than 5,000 years! Of course, it has evolved and, if it was used by the ancient Egyptians before, today it is a differentiating point for brand marketing to stand out. Read until the end!
Angel Lopez
May 11, 22 | 5 min read
editorial design
Reading time: 4 minutes
If you're looking to learn more about editorial design, you've come to the right place!
Humans have been creating and designing written texts for over 5,000 years, since the development of cuneiform writing in Mesopotamia around 3200 BC. The following Sumerian clay tablet is an example of the use of cuneiform writing.
Today, good editorial design is fundamentally online and helps brands make their digital marketing and sales strategies have a great impact.
Continue to the end, in this content we will explain what it is, tips to start the editorial design process and what its importance is for marketing .
What is editorial design?
3 tips for creating high-impact editorial design
What is the real importance of editorial design in marketing?
What is editorial design?
Editorial design is one of the branches list of thailand consumer email of graphic design that, decades ago, was a concept attributed solely to the production of newspapers, magazines and books.
However, due to the global digital transformation, it now focuses more on the design of online publications and seeks to ensure that the content, whether on social networks , blogs , or websites , is well received and effective.
Therefore, among the objectives of this term, we find:
make publications very attractive;
give an interesting visualization;
ease of reading.
Indeed, all good practices are focused on improving user retention to ensure that they become interested in the brand and can eventually become customers.
Of course, this has a lot of similarities with marketing, but more on that later!
3 tips for creating high-impact editorial design
How can you create impactful designs that will delight your target audience? To do this, the first thing you need to do is focus on a buyer persona and target your content to that persona.
Now, I'm going to give you 3 more key tips to make your content stand out:
1. Have a unique style and stick to it
Style is to editorial design what voice is to writing; it forms part of the branding of a book or magazine. A publication's design should be tailored to its audience and a consistent color palette and fonts should be used.
Contrary to the old saying "you can't judge a book by its cover," you can actually tell a lot about a book or magazine just by looking at it.
And, your potential clients are looking to have a good visual receptivity before consuming what you have produced for them.
Once they know your style, a simple glance will tell them who you are and the value of what you have done for them.
2. Play with color contrast
It may seem obvious, but color contrast still goes a long way when creating memorable editorial designs. Especially when you're trying to achieve a modern and clean look, this simple concept will help you draw readers' attention to the most important parts of the page.
The dramatic effect created by color contrast can draw attention and induce emotion in your viewer.
3. Don't be afraid to use illustrations
There are some concepts that photography simply can't cover, from fictional subjects to stories where a source wants to remain anonymous. These are the perfect times to use illustrations.
If you don't create illustrations, as an editorial designer you may end up working with outside contributors to produce them. This part of the process is certainly worth it, as you'll end up with a quality, unique piece of art for your publication.
Just don't forget to make your creative brief clear: the illustrator needs to be able to understand exactly what you're asking for, from subject matter to stylistic guidelines. Otherwise, multiple rounds of revisions will be frustrating for the artist and could prove costly for you.
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What is the real importance of editorial design in marketing?
Marketing trends have changed in the 21st century. Content Marketing has become more popular in advertising with more companies relying heavily on images and infographics to promote their brands.
This means that every developing brand must make use of editorial designs if it intends to convey meaningful information to its target audience and achieve a greater number of qualified leads.
Our eyes collect most of the information we take in, while our brains are programmed to identify an attractive image within seconds. Therefore, it would be difficult to ignore the importance of good design in attracting potential customers to a brand and increasing sales.
Angel Lopez
May 11, 22 | 5 min read
editorial design
Reading time: 4 minutes
If you're looking to learn more about editorial design, you've come to the right place!
Humans have been creating and designing written texts for over 5,000 years, since the development of cuneiform writing in Mesopotamia around 3200 BC. The following Sumerian clay tablet is an example of the use of cuneiform writing.
Today, good editorial design is fundamentally online and helps brands make their digital marketing and sales strategies have a great impact.
Continue to the end, in this content we will explain what it is, tips to start the editorial design process and what its importance is for marketing .
What is editorial design?
3 tips for creating high-impact editorial design
What is the real importance of editorial design in marketing?
What is editorial design?
Editorial design is one of the branches list of thailand consumer email of graphic design that, decades ago, was a concept attributed solely to the production of newspapers, magazines and books.
However, due to the global digital transformation, it now focuses more on the design of online publications and seeks to ensure that the content, whether on social networks , blogs , or websites , is well received and effective.
Therefore, among the objectives of this term, we find:
make publications very attractive;
give an interesting visualization;
ease of reading.
Indeed, all good practices are focused on improving user retention to ensure that they become interested in the brand and can eventually become customers.
Of course, this has a lot of similarities with marketing, but more on that later!
3 tips for creating high-impact editorial design
How can you create impactful designs that will delight your target audience? To do this, the first thing you need to do is focus on a buyer persona and target your content to that persona.
Now, I'm going to give you 3 more key tips to make your content stand out:
1. Have a unique style and stick to it
Style is to editorial design what voice is to writing; it forms part of the branding of a book or magazine. A publication's design should be tailored to its audience and a consistent color palette and fonts should be used.
Contrary to the old saying "you can't judge a book by its cover," you can actually tell a lot about a book or magazine just by looking at it.
And, your potential clients are looking to have a good visual receptivity before consuming what you have produced for them.
Once they know your style, a simple glance will tell them who you are and the value of what you have done for them.
2. Play with color contrast
It may seem obvious, but color contrast still goes a long way when creating memorable editorial designs. Especially when you're trying to achieve a modern and clean look, this simple concept will help you draw readers' attention to the most important parts of the page.

The dramatic effect created by color contrast can draw attention and induce emotion in your viewer.
3. Don't be afraid to use illustrations
There are some concepts that photography simply can't cover, from fictional subjects to stories where a source wants to remain anonymous. These are the perfect times to use illustrations.
If you don't create illustrations, as an editorial designer you may end up working with outside contributors to produce them. This part of the process is certainly worth it, as you'll end up with a quality, unique piece of art for your publication.
Just don't forget to make your creative brief clear: the illustrator needs to be able to understand exactly what you're asking for, from subject matter to stylistic guidelines. Otherwise, multiple rounds of revisions will be frustrating for the artist and could prove costly for you.
Check out these amazing contents:
Do you know what product design is and its stages? We'll tell you!
Learn how to create a good SEO web design: Create more efficient pages!
User-Centered Design: Here we tell you everything!
What is the real importance of editorial design in marketing?
Marketing trends have changed in the 21st century. Content Marketing has become more popular in advertising with more companies relying heavily on images and infographics to promote their brands.
This means that every developing brand must make use of editorial designs if it intends to convey meaningful information to its target audience and achieve a greater number of qualified leads.
Our eyes collect most of the information we take in, while our brains are programmed to identify an attractive image within seconds. Therefore, it would be difficult to ignore the importance of good design in attracting potential customers to a brand and increasing sales.