MQL is the acronym for Marketing Qualified Leads, which could be translated into Spanish as “Marketing Qualified Leads.”
These are potential buyers of the products and/or services that your company sells, who have not yet made their purchasing decision, but are very interested in what you offer .
In other words, an MQL is a potential customer who already understands that they have a problem and that your company is one of those that offers a solution. However, a little more marketing work is still required on the lead before it is forwarded to the sales team.
What is an MQL in marketing?
MQL is short for Marketing Qualified zambia email address Leads, the name used for leads that are in an advanced qualification process by the marketing team.
Leads are potential customers for your products or services. In other words, people and/or companies that, at a certain point in their purchasing process, have shown interest in your offer.
What qualifies a future buyer as an MQL is that he or she has already had contact and interactions with your company.
In that case, this potential customer has already consumed your content, such as blog posts and social media, and may even have already used some of the tools you made available, such as a free spreadsheet .
However, you haven't made your purchasing decision yet, which leads to the need to work with you a little more to help you through this process.
What is the difference between MQL and SQL?
SQL stands for Sales Qualified Leads, and is an acronym that defines the leads that are closest to making a purchase .
The main difference between MQL and SQL is that the second type of lead has already been well nurtured.
This means that they have already gone through all the stages of the sales funnel , that is, they have left behind the stages of learning, recognizing the problem and considering the solution, and are practically completing their purchase.
At that point, the SQL must be immediately routed from the marketing department to the sales team, so as not to lose the opportunity to close another deal.
Recommended reading: “ What is lead nurturing? 4 steps to apply it in your company ”
What is an MQL in Sales?
MQLs in sales are potential customers who have already had access to different sources of information about the product and/or service that your company sells.
For this reason, these potential customers already consider your brand to be the one that can solve the problem they have. However, for some reason, a little more work is still needed to lead that future customer towards their purchase decision.
What is an Outbound MQL?
Outbound MQL is a potential buyer who has already had some interaction with your company, however, has not yet made the purchase.
In an outbound strategy, your team is the one who sets out to find potential customers. This active approach can be applied to both marketing and sales.
Taking this definition into account, it is also possible to understand that an Outbound MQL is a person or company that has already been contacted by your team, has received some kind of explanatory material about what you offer, has shown real interest in it, but has not yet completed the purchasing process.
e Lead Scoring technique , which consists of classifying your leads using criteria and scores.