8 Tips to Protect Your Business Data
Naturally, it is very important to preserve your business data and with some simple and practical measures it is possible to guarantee the security of your company's data:
1. Have Antivirus, Firewall and VPN active
Equipping your computer devices is the first step to keeping your amazon database confidential information safe and protected from any type of virtual attack. Therefore, use a good firewall, an up-to-date antivirus and a virtual private network (VPN).
The main function of an antivirus is to analyze programs and files to identify any suspicious activity and eliminate it. A firewall evaluates the exchange of information between the computer and the network and prevents unauthorized access. In turn, a VPN creates a secure channel between devices and the internet, protecting against possible interference.
2. Update Software Frequently
In addition to the firewall and antivirus, it is extremely important that you frequently update all the software you use to avoid unwanted intrusions. If possible, keep updates in automatic mode, that is, whenever there is an update and a good connection to a Wi-Fi network, you are automatically better protected.
When using Vendus invoicing software , you don't have to worry about updates or security. In addition to being a certified invoicing program, it is simple, fast and secure, and can be used anywhere, without contracts or complications.

3. Create strong passwords
If it is extremely important to create strong passwords on a personal level, it is even more important in business! Do not use words or dates related to the business or those who use them on a daily basis, for example, family members' names or birthdays. Choose passwords with more than 10 characters, which include upper and lower case letters, numbers and symbols, in a random and complex way.
But creating secure passwords is not enough; you need to change them regularly. This way, even if your password is discovered, your business data will remain secure. And of course, don't repeat passwords across different services and avoid writing them down in physical format, such as paper or a text file.
4. Be careful with downloads/links
Avoid downloading from unfamiliar websites or clicking on links in unknown or suspicious emails.
Therefore, be aware of the origin of your downloads and always check the content before opening a specific file (using an antivirus, for example). Also check the origin of emails or messages with links that you receive, even if they are in the company's digital correspondence. The links may be phishing attacks to collect password, credit card or bank account details.
5. Be careful with your Wi-Fi network
You can take some basic precautions to prevent problems with your Wi-Fi network, namely:
change the network name;
change your password regularly;
opt for the WPA2-PSK protocol;
limit IP assignment on the router.
If you are using company equipment on a Wi-Fi network in a public space, take extra care, as these networks are generally more susceptible to attacks.
6. Preserve company data
Just as it is advisable not to share personal information on social media (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, among others), it is also recommended to use the same principle for business information.
Sharing contact details and location information is essential for any business, but you should also be careful not to share other types of sensitive information that could be harmful to your business if it falls into the wrong hands. For example, it is especially important to ensure that you comply with data protection regulations. Failure to do so could result in heavy fines and legal action.