Basketball on Facebook Messenger

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Basketball on Facebook Messenger

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Basketball on Facebook Messenger
And for dessert, an Easter egg from YouTube. This is what happens when you enter the phrase "do the harlem shake" in the search bar.

Humai promises resurrection from the dead and life up to 500 years
Humai promises resurrection from the dead and life up to 500 years
American entrepreneur Josh Bocanegra promises to learn how to resurrect the dead list of real mobile phone numbers database in 30 years. The company he founded, Humai, will try to get closer to immortality with the help of artificial intelligence, the Daily Mail reports .

Bocanegra believes that the main mistake of his predecessors was an attempt to extend the life of the body. The businessman himself is sure that the body will sooner or later give a decisive failure, so only human consciousness needs to be preserved, which is supposed to be transferred into the system after death. The details of the process are not yet clear (scientists have taken this information ambiguously), it is only known that the data is planned to be implanted into the bionic body.

Bocanegra suggests freezing the brain, downloading all the information from it to a special chip, where information about speech patterns, behavior, thought processes and habits will be stored. In this way, it is supposed to preserve the personality of the deceased.

In the movie "Time", human life time became basically a currency that could be sold and transferred. The deal with Humai, which promises a life of 500 years in exchange for large financial contributions, works on the same scheme
In the movie "Time", human life time became basically a currency that could be sold and transferred. The deal with Humai, which promises a life of 500 years in exchange for large financial contributions, works on the same scheme
The idea proposed by the founder of Humai sounds similar to the concept of singularity, but there are some differences between them. Technological singularity is the development of "superintelligence". That is, this is the idea of ​​​​extending life by connecting our brain to a computer and replacing body parts with bionic prostheses that will make their owner smarter and stronger.
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