In the WordPress environment, XML-RCP was designed to be able to standardize communication between different systems, that is, so that applications outside of this CMS could interact with it.
Let's see, therefore, the characteristics of xmlrpc.php, why it was created and the most common security problems and risks that this file causes, also discovering how to fix them on WordPress.
Table of Contents:
The main features of xmlrpc.php
Why xmlrpc.php was created and how to use it
What is the current situation of XML-RPC and what is its future?
Reasons Why You Should Disable xmlrpc.php to israel telegram phone number list Better Security on Your WordPress Site
Disable xmlrpc.php using plugins
When might it be useful for you to enable xmlrpc.php?
The main features of xmlrpc.php
XML-RPC is a WordPress feature that allows you to transmit data. In this case, HTTP acts as a transport, while XML acts as an encoding.
Considering that WordPress needs to be able to communicate with other platforms, the xmlrpc.php file has been specifically designed to best handle this type of work.

Why xmlrpc.php was created and how to use it
XML-RPC has a fairly long history, dating back even before the advent of WordPress. At that time, Internet connections were particularly slow, with the writing and publishing process requiring more time and work. In fact, instead of using an online editor, those who managed a site preferred to create texts directly offline, copying and pasting the contents later on the Internet.
The solution, then, was to create an offline blog client, where users could create content by connecting to their blog to publish it. This connection was made possible by XML-RPC. The first applications, then, used this connection to allow users to access their WordPress sites from devices other than personal PCs.
What is the current situation of XML-RPC and what is its future?
Since 2008, WordPress has allowed you to enable or disable XML-RPC. It should be noted that the functionality of this file has significantly diminished over the years, its role, as is evident, is no longer as crucial as it once was.
With the WordPress API, it’s easy to expect XML-RPC to be permanently supplanted.