What role do other tools play in the quest to unify the customer experience?

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What role do other tools play in the quest to unify the customer experience?

Post by himuhumaira »

W: Since your business model revolves around the use of an app,
MC: We have an app and a website that split our traffic 60/40. We also use different tools such as email, phone and a CRM. These are vital to us as they help us stay in touch with customers quickly, which would not be possible otherwise. It is clear that users require efficient responses in a short amount of time and these tools allow us to meet that demand. The phone allows us to bring efficiency and speed from the digital world into the traditional one.

W: How are you addressing the challenge of maintaining and continuing to strengthen your bahamas email list brand visibility using digital communication methods?

MC: The challenge of strengthening the visibility of our brand concerns all marketing strategies and not just digital communications. Our strategy is clear: to offer the best price and the best possible experience, in a transparent way. We manage communication in a natural way by explaining our day-by-day: an organic growth in which we make our community of 1.5 million users happy. We insert our corporate values ​​directly into our content and this is reflected in our continuous growth.

W: In your opinion, what brings the best ROI to your company?

MC: Happy users are the best ROI we can wish for. Ultimately, our goal is to improve people's lives and make them happy. This is reflected in the fact that 80% of users who join the community are frequent users and 60% of them come to us through a recommendation.

W: How do you work on internal innovations, that is, how do you develop your own technology?

MC: We listen to the user. We use our services to move and we are always in touch with our community. 70% of the team is in direct communication with users through different tools. This allows us to know what we should improve when it comes to our product or our processes. We evaluate market demands and look for new ideas to develop our technology on a daily basis.
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